Tourist map of Argentina
Argentina is the second most visited country in South America, with an average of 5.6 million tourists per year in the five-year period 2012-2016, behind Brazil with an average of 6.1 million in the same period. In Latin America, both are located behind Mexico (38.8 million), being surpassed in America also by the United States (82.9 million) and Canada (27.3 million).
According to official figures of the World Tourism Organization, in 2010 the country received more than 5.3 million foreign tourists, which meant some 4930 million dollars of foreign currency income, foreign tourists come mainly from Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Venezuela and Paraguay among the Latin American countries; the European countries of Spain, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Switzerland; and of the United States, Canada and China from the rest of the world.
Endowed with an immense territory with great tourist attractions, a variety of enormous climates, natural wonders, culture, customs and gastronomies famous at international level, a very high degree of development, good quality of life, and a well-prepared infrastructure, Argentina is recipient of massive amounts of travelers. The valuation of the local currency after the devaluation of 2002 favored the arrival of large numbers of foreign tourists, making the country more commercially accessible than in the 1990s. As costs became more expensive to travel abroad, many Argentines also turned to national tourism.