Economic map of Argentina

Economic map of Argentina

Economic map of Argentina

  • Thematic
  • Argentina
Economic map of Argentina.

Argentina is the second largest economy in South America, second only to Brazil. Together, they are the only South American countries to integrate the G-20, which brings together the largest, richest and most industrialized economies on the planet. Argentina has great natural resources and benefits from it, it has a sector oriented to the exploitation and export of advanced technology agricultural product, great development of its nuclear and satellite industry, a powerful and diversified industrial base, advanced scientific development- technology and a highly literate population.

It is one of the largest producers of soybeans in the world, after the United States and Brazil, with 48 million tons in 2011. At the continental level, in 2014 it was in fourth place in oil production (after Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia). It is the only country in the American continent - together with the United States - that has reached a great development of its nuclear industry, and an advanced development of the satellite industry.

The country is one of the largest exporters of meat in the world, and its production has been recognized numerous times as the best quality. It is the world's leading producer of sunflower, yerba mate, lemons, and soybean oil, second in honey and apples, the largest producer of wheat and wool in Latin America, among other crops. It is the largest producer of wine in Latin America, fifth in the world, and the main producer of biodiesel at a global level.The production of natural gas and oil are also important. The Aguilar Field, in the province of Jujuy, is the largest concentration of lead and zinc minerals in South America, and the Bajo de la Alumbrera in the province of Catamarca, is one of the largest deposits of gold and copper in Latin America, Argentina being the thirteenth largest gold producer in the world. It has the third largest gas reserve on the planet. Argentina is the most important software producer in South America and ranks second in auto parts manufacturing, after Brazil.

The Argentine economy is benefited by a great wealth and variety of natural resources, a population with a good degree of education, a system of agriculture and an important industrial base, which became the most developed in Latin America and one of the ten largest in the world, but that has shown some relative stagnation, from the last quarter of the twentieth century.

According to the latest data from the International Monetary Fund, the gross domestic product in 2012 was 474,812 million dollars at current prices, ranking 24th according to its nominal GDP, while the GDP at purchasing power parity was 756 226 million dollars, occupying the position 21. The GDP per capita in PPA was 18 319 dollars.


Maps of Argentina