Snow trails across eastern China

Snow trails across eastern China

Snow trails across eastern China

  • Satellite
  • China
  • Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team,NASA/GSFC
Trails ofsnow streak across eastern China in this true-color image from theModerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard NASA’sAqua satellite. The image was acquired February 12, 2003. In addition tothe snow, which occupies the center of the image, it is possible to seesmog in at least six provinces: Shanxi (upper left corner), Shandong(upper middle and right), Henan (middle left), Anhui (middle), Jiangsu(middle right), and Hubei (lower left). Air pollution is a persistent,year-round concern in China. Also visible is the Yellow Sea (Huang Hai)in the upper right corner, of which part appears brown and green fromsediment carried into it by a number of rivers, including the greatYangtze River.