Economic map of the Province of Tucumán, Argentina
The province of Tucumán, which is among the most underdeveloped Argentine provinces, has had strong growth and, in 2006, its economy reached 7,200 million dollars (which would be around 11,000 million dollars in 2011, according to the economic growth pronostic of Argentina), the seventh largest in the country. Its per capita production of US $ 5,400 (around US $ 7,900 in 2011) was almost 40% lower than the national average, but compares favorably with that of most of its neighbors. In 2012, the per capita income of the province is $ 8,000.
Known internationally for its prodigious sugarcane (with 2,300 km2, and the sugar production, 60% of the country's), Tucumán's economy is quite diversified, and agriculture accounts for about 7% of output. After the sugar crisis of the 1960s, Tucumán tried to diversify its crops, and now cultivates, among others, lemons (world first producer), strawberries, kiwifruit, beans, maize, alfalfa, and soybeans.
Cattle, sheep, and goats are raised mainly for local consumption.
Manufacturing in Tucumán initially centered on sugar production, but has diversified significantly since 1960. Sugar mills add about 15% to the total economy. Besides the industrialisation of the sugarcane into sugar, paper, and alcohol, food, textile, automotive, and metallurgical industries are present. Among the latter, the freight-truck assembly operated by the Volkswagen Group-controlled Swedish Scania company is probably the best known. Mining is a minor activity, centered on salt, clay, lime, and other non-metallic extractions. The province is also big in lemons and blueberries; they export almost 80% of the harvest to other countries.
Cultural and sport tourism is common in the province, and attracts a number of Argentine tourists every year.