Climatic map of the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina
Climatic map of the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina.
Most of the province consists of green flatlands, part of the humid Pampas, bordering to the north with the Gran Chaco region. There are low sierras to the west. The north has higher temperatures, with an annual average of 19 °C and precipitations of up to 1,100 millimetres in the east, decreasing towards the west, where there is a distinctive dry season during the winter. The south presents lower temperatures, averaging 14 °C, and slightly less precipitations. Summers are hot and humid throughout the province, with average highs ranging from 30 °C in the south to 34 °C in the northwest corner, and night temperatures between 17 °C in the south and 21 °C in the north. Thunderstorms are common, and so are heat waves what can bring temperatures up to 40 °C with hot muggy nights. These are often interrupted by cold fronts that bring crisp, cool weather from the south. March brings cooler nights in the south, and April brings comfortable weather, with highs ranging from 22 °C in the south to 26 °C in the north, and lows from 10 °C to 15 °C. Frost arrives in May in the south, where it occurs frequently until September; in the extreme north, frost is much more sporadic: some years might bring frosty May days, on other years it may come in July, but generally speaking there will always be a few frosty days every year even in the extreme north. Winter is drier in the west of the province and wetter in the east. In the south, temperatures range from 15 °C in the day to 4 °C at night, whereas in the north, from 21 °C to 9 °C. Cold waves often bring temperatures of -5 °C in the south, with extremes of -8 °C recorded; further north, the thermometer descends occasionally to -2 °C and very rarely to -5 °C. There are often short warm periods of up to 30 °C during the winter, followed by much colder weather with drizzle and temperatures around 6 °C. Spring starts as soon as the end of August in the north, with very warm weather already present by early October; in the south, nights remain cool until most of November. Generally speaking, spring is unpredictable, with heat waves followed by extended periods of cool weather, as well as dry spells followed by severe thunderstorms. Rainfall ranges from 1,200 mm in the northeast to 800 mm in the southwest and extreme northwest. Snowfall is unprecedented in the northern two thirds of the province, and very rare in the south, where the last occurrence was in 2007 with several centimeters accumulated. This humid, temperate climate explains why Central and Southern Santa Fe are among the nation's richest agricultural regions, with crops such as maize and soybeans popular, and a very well developed dairy industry.
Most of the province consists of green flatlands, part of the humid Pampas, bordering to the north with the Gran Chaco region. There are low sierras to the west. The north has higher temperatures, with an annual average of 19 °C and precipitations of up to 1,100 millimetres in the east, decreasing towards the west, where there is a distinctive dry season during the winter. The south presents lower temperatures, averaging 14 °C, and slightly less precipitations. Summers are hot and humid throughout the province, with average highs ranging from 30 °C in the south to 34 °C in the northwest corner, and night temperatures between 17 °C in the south and 21 °C in the north. Thunderstorms are common, and so are heat waves what can bring temperatures up to 40 °C with hot muggy nights. These are often interrupted by cold fronts that bring crisp, cool weather from the south. March brings cooler nights in the south, and April brings comfortable weather, with highs ranging from 22 °C in the south to 26 °C in the north, and lows from 10 °C to 15 °C. Frost arrives in May in the south, where it occurs frequently until September; in the extreme north, frost is much more sporadic: some years might bring frosty May days, on other years it may come in July, but generally speaking there will always be a few frosty days every year even in the extreme north. Winter is drier in the west of the province and wetter in the east. In the south, temperatures range from 15 °C in the day to 4 °C at night, whereas in the north, from 21 °C to 9 °C. Cold waves often bring temperatures of -5 °C in the south, with extremes of -8 °C recorded; further north, the thermometer descends occasionally to -2 °C and very rarely to -5 °C. There are often short warm periods of up to 30 °C during the winter, followed by much colder weather with drizzle and temperatures around 6 °C. Spring starts as soon as the end of August in the north, with very warm weather already present by early October; in the south, nights remain cool until most of November. Generally speaking, spring is unpredictable, with heat waves followed by extended periods of cool weather, as well as dry spells followed by severe thunderstorms. Rainfall ranges from 1,200 mm in the northeast to 800 mm in the southwest and extreme northwest. Snowfall is unprecedented in the northern two thirds of the province, and very rare in the south, where the last occurrence was in 2007 with several centimeters accumulated. This humid, temperate climate explains why Central and Southern Santa Fe are among the nation's richest agricultural regions, with crops such as maize and soybeans popular, and a very well developed dairy industry.