Tourist map of the Province of Neuquén, Argentina
Tourist map of the Province of Neuquén, Argentina.
A destination of many Argentines and foreigners, the province has a number of year-round attractions, including:
Many hike or fish, mainly for river trout, the lake district region of Southwestern Neuquén that stretches into Río Negro and Chubut Provinces.
There were a number of dinosaurs in the area, of which the bones of a 95 million years old Argentinosaurus are in display at the Carmen Funes Museum in Plaza Huincul.
A destination of many Argentines and foreigners, the province has a number of year-round attractions, including:
- San Martín de los Andes
- Villa La Angostura
- Los Arrayanes National Park
- Lanín National Park
- Nahuel Huapí National Park
- Laguna Blanca National Park
- Copahue hot baths
Many hike or fish, mainly for river trout, the lake district region of Southwestern Neuquén that stretches into Río Negro and Chubut Provinces.
There were a number of dinosaurs in the area, of which the bones of a 95 million years old Argentinosaurus are in display at the Carmen Funes Museum in Plaza Huincul.