Physical map of the Province of Neuquén, Argentina

Physical map of the Province of Neuquén, Argentina

Physical map of the Province of Neuquén, Argentina

  • Physical
  • Neuquén
  • Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina

Physical map of the Province of Neuquén, Argentina.

The province of Neuquén, like all of Argentina's Patagonia, presents two well-differentiated geographical areas. The west is the domain of the mountains and coincides with a part of the Andean Mountains. In the southern half of the province, rainfall is plentiful and the slopes are largely forested. The south of this region is also rich in lakes and much of its territory is protected by national parks. The east of the province, on the other hand, is the domain of low plateaus or mesatas. This extra-Andean region is dry and semi-desert, it has a cold climate in winter, but very hot in summer and a steppe biome. Its relief of tabular meseta is cut by fluvial valleys and interspersed with depressions.


Physical Maps of Neuquén