Economic map of the Province of La Pampa, Argentina
La Pampa, long Argentina's most economically agricultural province, produced an estimated US$3.144 billion in output in 2006, or, US$10,504 per capita (almost 20% above the national average). Now, the GDP per capita of the province is of US$ 14.000.
Agriculture contributes a fourth to La Pampa's economy, the most important activity being cattle ranching, with 3,632,684 (2002) head, which takes place all over the province. Other livestock include 202,428 sheep, 140,498 goats and 64,118 pigs.
The Northeast, on the more fertile lands, has also an important activity with wheat (10% of the national production), sunflower (13% of NP), maize, alfalfa, barley, and other cereals.
There's also a dairy industry with 300 centres of extraction and 25 cheese factories, honey production, and salt extraction from salt basins.
La Pampa is home to very little industry, construction or mining and, so, its services sector accounts for over two-thirds of the economy, a fairly high proportion. Tourism is an underdeveloped activity, however. Visitors start at Santa Rosa and reach Lihué Calel National Park, Parque Luro Provincial Reserve or visit one of the many estancias, some of which are dedicated to agritourism.