Tourist map of the Province of Buenos Aires

Tourist map of the Province of Buenos Aires

Tourist map of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Thematic
  • Buenos Aires
Tourist map of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Province of Buenos Aires has a marked tourist development, which manifests itself in different areas.

The most developed form of tourism are the beaches on the coast of the province, next to the Argentine sea. There are almost 1200 km of beaches, next to which there are spas, watering places, with different degrees of urban development. Some base their tourist attraction on a scarce urban development that facilitates access to the natural attractions of the place (not only the beaches, but also the forests or areas with dunes), while other sites are developed to a degree that allows them to receive large numbers of tourists and provide adequate services for these. The most outstanding city is Mar del Plata, which is the most important tourist destination in the country, along with others such as San Bernardo del Tuyú, San Clemente del Tuyú, Santa Teresita and Mar de Ajó in the partigo of La Costa -the second most important tourist destination og the country Necochea, Miramar, Pinamar, Villa Gesell and Monte Hermoso, among others.

The Paraná River Delta, located next to the Province of Entre Ríos, is another site with tourism development, oriented towards the use of boats or other water vehicles, whose center is the town of Tigre in the homonymous partido.

To the center-south of the province are the mountain systems of Ventania and Tandilla. There are activities of mountaineering and hiking. The most important mountain resorts are Sierra de la Ventana, near Cerro Tres Picos, which is the highest in the province, and Tandil, with its replica of the famous shifting stone that is the most important symbol of the city.

Some Buenos Aires lagoons are exploited tourism. The ones with the greatest infrastructure are the Gómez Lagoon, located in the city of Junín within the Laguna de Gómez Natural Park, and the Chascomús Lagoon, next to the homonymous city. Other lagoons with great nautical and fishing activity are the so-called "Lagunas Encadenadas del Oeste", being Laguna del Monte, Laguna Cochicó or Laguna Alsina.

There are also numerous estancias throughout the Pampean areas of the province. These base their tourist attraction on rural life and on the figure of the gaucho. Populations center that have ranches in its surroundings are San Antonio de Areco, General Madariaga, Maipu, Capilla del Señor, Tapalqué and Dolores, among others.

Some cities also have important churches or places of interest for the Christian religion in the country, which motivate religious tourism. The best known destination is the city of Luján, followed by San Nicolás de los Arroyos, where pilgrimages are made every year.