Pilar Localities, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Map of the Pilar Localities, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Pilar has a total area of 385.45 km2 divided into the following 15 Localities:Del Viso
Presidente Derqui
Villa Rosa
Manuel Alberti
Luis Lagomarsino
Pilar Sur
La Lonja
Villa Astolfi
San Francisco
According to the data of the 2010 census, Pilar has a number of 299,077 inhabitants for a density of 775 people/km².
By 2018, a total population of 363,309 people and a population density of 940.81 persons/km2 are projected for the Partido de Pilar.
Pilar has a total area of 385.45 km2 divided into the following 15 Localities:
By 2018, a total population of 363,309 people and a population density of 940.81 persons/km2 are projected for the Partido de Pilar.