Map of La Plata, Argentina
Map of the city of La Plata, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
La Plata is an Argentine city, capital of the province of Buenos Aires and head of the homonymous party. It is located 56 km southeast of the City of Buenos Aires. It is the fourth most populated city in the country after Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Rosario. It is often nicknamed "the city of the diagonals" and, to a lesser extent, "the city of the lime trees." It is also called the "Athens of America."
The city was planned and built specifically to serve as the capital of the province after the city of Buenos Aires was declared a Federal District in 1880. It is also the main political, administrative and educational center of the province. The city has a population of 753,378 inhabitants and its urban agglomerate, Greater La Plata, composed of the partidos of La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada, has a population of 899,523 inhabitants.
La Plata is an Argentine city, capital of the province of Buenos Aires and head of the homonymous party. It is located 56 km southeast of the City of Buenos Aires. It is the fourth most populated city in the country after Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Rosario. It is often nicknamed "the city of the diagonals" and, to a lesser extent, "the city of the lime trees." It is also called the "Athens of America."
The city was planned and built specifically to serve as the capital of the province after the city of Buenos Aires was declared a Federal District in 1880. It is also the main political, administrative and educational center of the province. The city has a population of 753,378 inhabitants and its urban agglomerate, Greater La Plata, composed of the partidos of La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada, has a population of 899,523 inhabitants.