Subway Map of Buenos Aires
Map of the subway network of the City of Buenos Aires unto 2015, with all the lines projected according to law 670 of the C.A.B.A.
The Subway of Buenos Aires has six lines in operation, totaling around 51 km of tunnels for commercial service and 83 stations. In addition, the second section of the H line is under construction, which currently connects the neighborhoods of Parque Patricios and Balvanera under the route of the Jujuy and Pueyrredón avenues, and will finally link the south of the city from Pompeya with the railway station of Retiro of line A to the intersection of Avenida Rivadavia with Nazca and San Pedrito avenues in the Flores district and Line B from De los Incas station - Parque Chas to the Villa Urquiza neighborhood. Line E is being extended to Retiro, with the construction of three other lines: F, G and I, with which the lines in operation would reach nine. Line A - inaugurated in 1913 - is also a tourist attraction, having been the first subway line in the southern hemisphere, Latin America and the Spanish-speaking world, as well as keeping the fourteen stations inaugurated between 1913 and 1914 in an almost original state .
The Subway of Buenos Aires has six lines in operation, totaling around 51 km of tunnels for commercial service and 83 stations. In addition, the second section of the H line is under construction, which currently connects the neighborhoods of Parque Patricios and Balvanera under the route of the Jujuy and Pueyrredón avenues, and will finally link the south of the city from Pompeya with the railway station of Retiro of line A to the intersection of Avenida Rivadavia with Nazca and San Pedrito avenues in the Flores district and Line B from De los Incas station - Parque Chas to the Villa Urquiza neighborhood. Line E is being extended to Retiro, with the construction of three other lines: F, G and I, with which the lines in operation would reach nine. Line A - inaugurated in 1913 - is also a tourist attraction, having been the first subway line in the southern hemisphere, Latin America and the Spanish-speaking world, as well as keeping the fourteen stations inaugurated between 1913 and 1914 in an almost original state .