Buenos Aires shortly after its first founding in 1536

Buenos Aires shortly after its first founding in 1536

Buenos Aires shortly after its first founding in 1536

  • Historical
  • City of Buenos Aires

View of Buenos Aires shortly after its first founding by Pedro de Mendoza y Luján in 1536.

First foundation of Buenos Aires On February 2, 1536 (or February 3 according to other historians), the Spaniard Pedro de Mendoza, established a settlement to which he gave the name of Puerto de Nuestra Senora del Buen Ayre in a region inhabited by pampas aborigines known as Querandí. After famines and conflicts with the Querandí, who came to invade it, the position was finally abandoned and destroyed by the Spaniards themselves at the end of June 1541.

Map published by Ulrich Schmidel in 1567 in Germany in his travel report "Wahrhaftige Historien. Einer Wunderbaren Schiffahrt / welche Ulrich Schmiedel von Straubing / von Anno 1534 biß Anno 1554 in Americam oder Neuwewelt / bey Brasilia und Rio della Plata gethan. ..." which included the present drawing.


Historical Maps of City of Buenos Aires