Physical map of the Province of Buenos Aires

Physical map of the Province of Buenos Aires

Physical map of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Physical
  • Buenos Aires
  • Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina
Physical geography of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Its territory occupies 307 571km², extension slightly superior than that of Italy.

In its relief dominates the Pampean plain with a gentle slope towards the Argentine Sea. This plain is interrupted by two small mountain systems, that of Tandilia of about 500 meters above sea level and that of Ventania of about 1,100 meters above sea level.

Its highest point is Cerro Tres Picos at 1,239 meters above sea level and the lowest at Salinas Chicas, at -42 meters above sea level. Its most extensive river is the Salado with 700 km in length.


Maps of Buenos Aires