Map of the city of Neuquén, Argentina

Map of the city of Neuquén, Argentina

Map of the city of Neuquén, Argentina

  • Political
  • Neuquén

Map of the city of Neuquén, Argentina.

The city of Neuquén is the capital of the province of Neuquén (Argentina) and head of the department Confluencia, located in the east of the province. It occupies a strip of land west of the confluence of the Neuquén and Limay rivers, where Negro River originates, which is part of the micro-region of the Alto Valle del Río Negro. The city and surrounding area have a population of more than 340,000, making it the largest city in Patagonia. Along with the cities of Plottier and Cipolletti, it is part of the Neuquén – Plottier – Cipolletti conurbation.

The city is divided into 49 neighborhoods, whose limits are set by ordinance No. 5388/92.