Map of the city of Posadas, Misiones, Argentina
Map of the city of Posadas, province of Misiones, Argentina.
Posadas is an Argentine city, capital of the province of Misiones and head of the Capital department. It is located on the left bank of the Paraná River - which separates it from Paraguay -, to the southwest of the province and in the northwest of the Capital Department.
With a population of 324,756, and for the Greater Posadas area a population of over 351,000 (2010 census INDEC), it is the most populated city of Misiones and its administrative, commercial and cultural center. In its beginnings, it was established around the port on the Paraná River, and its growth took time to materialize as one of the last areas of Argentine territory to be populated. However, it is currently one of the cities with the most activity and growth in the NEA region (Argentine northeast). Its influence extends to the neighboring city of Garupá, which makes up the Gran Posadas. The San Roque González de Santa Cruz bridge, built on the Paraná river, joins it with the neighboring city of Encarnación (in the Republic of Paraguay).
The neighborhoods with the greatest sense of identity are those located around the downtown area (Villa Sarita to the north, Villa Blosset to the east and Villa Urquiza to the south) and Villa Lanús, located in the southeast of the city.