San Salvador de Jujuy city map, Jujuy, Argentina
Map of the city of San Salvador de Jujuy, province of Jujuy, Argentina.
San Salvador de Jujuy is a city in the northwest of Argentina, capital of the province of Jujuy. Popularly called "La Tacita de Plata", it is located in a fertile valley, at the confluence of the Grande and Xibi Xibi rivers, surrounded by mountains that, to the west, in winter, are usually covered with snow.
It has a population of 265 249 inhabitants (INDEC, 2010) that, together with those of its metropolitan area, amount to 312 554 inhabitants. It is 1515 km from Buenos Aires and 533 km from the Pacific coast.
San Salvador de Jujuy holds two national records: for its latitude, on the parallel of 24°11'08'', it is the northernmost provincial capital of Argentina and at 1,259 meters above sea level, it is also the highest in the country.
The city lies on National Route 9 that connects La Quiaca 289 km with Salta 120 km, and it is 1,525 km from Buenos Aires. Tourist destinations not far from the city are Tilcara 84 km, Humahuaca 126 km, and the Calilegua National Park 111 km.