Tourist map of Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina
Tourist map of the city of Resistencia, province of Chaco, Argentina.
Cultural tourism can be highlighted with a tour of the sculptures scattered around the city, and the major milestone of this activity: the International Sculpture Biennial, which organizes international artists to compete in the city every two years. The event unfolds on the Costanero Promenade of the Negro River. The Democracy Park located on Sarmiento Avenue and on the banks of the Colussi Lagoon attracts a large number of visitors during the weekend. In front of it is the Sarmiento Shopping, another place of great concurrence.
The Paseo Peatonal is an open-air shopping mall that spans four blocks from Arturo Illia and Juan Domingo Perón streets, attracting many buyers. The Resistencia shopping center is one of the most important in the region.
There are several hotels, being the hotel casino -belonging to a national chain of international level- the only one with a 5-star category.