Physical map of the Province of Catamarca
Physical map of the Province of Catamarca.
The province has a mountainous relief higher in the west. Three geologically differentiated zones stand out:
The puna: which occupies the northern portion of the province with high mountain ranges such as Calalaste, large salt flats and imposing volcanoes such as Antofalla.
The central mountain range: it occupies the southwest of the province. It has high peaks such as Ojos del Salado (6893 meters above sea level), Mount Pissis (6795 meters above sea level), and Tres Cruces (6749 meters above sea level) among several other colossi known as the "six miles".
Sierras Pampeanas: occupy the rest of the province. Presents a set of ancient mountain ranges that form laces, and salt flats such as Pipanaco.
The province of Catamarca has 70% of its surface of mountainous relief, which is represented by four systems: