Districts of the city of Mendoza, Argentina
Map of the districts of the city of Mendoza, Argentina.
The municipality of the city of Mendoza is divided into districts called sections originated in the primitive limits of police jurisdiction. On January 20, 2003, the Municipality of Mendoza created new sections and renamed some of the previously existing ones:
Capital Department of Mendoza and its twelve sections:1st Section: Parque Central
2nd Section: Barrio Cívico
3rd Section: Parque O'Higgins
4th Section: Área Fundacional
5th Section: Residencial Sur
6th Section: Residencial Norte
7th Section: Residencial Parque
8th Section: Aeroparque
9th Sección: Parque General San Martín
10th Sección: Residencial Los Cerros
11th Sección: San Agustín
12th Sección: Piedemonte
The municipality of the city of Mendoza is divided into districts called sections originated in the primitive limits of police jurisdiction. On January 20, 2003, the Municipality of Mendoza created new sections and renamed some of the previously existing ones:
Capital Department of Mendoza and its twelve sections: