Map of the city of Mendoza, Argentina

Map of the city of Mendoza, Argentina

Map of the city of Mendoza, Argentina

  • Thematic
  • Mendoza
Map of the city of Mendoza, Argentina.

Mendoza is a city in western Argentina. It is the capital of the province of Mendoza and is located on the plain east of the Andes mountain range. It is one of the main cities of the country, and with its urban agglomerate, called Greater Mendoza reaches a total population that exceeds one million inhabitants. Its surface is 57 km² although its metropolitan area extends 168 km².

It is a main industrial hub, a fundamental strategic point of Mercosur's relations. The economic activity is linked to trade, the service industry and mainly tourism activity around the wine industry which is why, together with other cities in the world, it is called the "International Wine Capital".

It is a cosmopolitan city, due to the large number of mainly Italian and Spanish immigrants, as well as important groups of Arabs, Jews, Germans and French arrived in Argentina at the beginning of the 20th century, and today by immigrants from countries of the region such as Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru. It has a wide variety of cultural and nightlife, is a tourist city par excellence and a prominent university center. Its physiognomy has a very noticeable European influence, like the rest of Argentina, which is noticeable in the architectural styles, also wide avenues and tree-lined streets.

As in other large cities, its population trend is neutral, due to the lack of territory for its expansion. To this situation it sums up that many families with high purchasing power choose to live in neighborhoods outside the city center, because of this fact the population increase is in the rest of the districts of Greater Mendoza. Considering its metropolitan area, its population increases at a rate of 2% per year, a higher rate than Córdoba and Rosario, so that in the future Mendoza could become the second largest city in Argentina.