Tourist map of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

Tourist map of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

Tourist map of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

  • Thematic
  • Rosario
Tourist map of the city of Rosario, province of Santa Fe, Argentina. Map June 2018.

Rosario is a town that invites to be visited, showing the visitor its building progress and an urbanization that is constantly being modernized.

Its varied architecture deserves a special and unique chapter, where there are areas where the style of the early twentieth century has remained intact. The boulevards and the extensive parks give it its distinctive character as a big city.

Walking through the ravines on the river is a classic at sunset and the Monumento a la Bandera is the ideal starting point for any walk in the center.

Port of first category, with extensive docks, it is worth seeing the cabotage dock and its grain elevators in operation.

The meeting places, cultural and academic activity, fun and recreation, have the variety necessary to satisfy all tastes and ages. His night scene is one of the busiest in the region.