Economic map of the Province of San Luis, Argentina

Economic map of the Province of San Luis, Argentina

Economic map of the Province of San Luis, Argentina

  • Thematic
  • San Luis
Economic map of the Province of San Luis, Argentina.

San Luis' economy has, over the past generation, been among the most improved in Argentina. Its 2006 output, estimated at US$3.386 billion, yielded a per capita income of US$9,203 (somewhat above the national average).

The economic profile of the province changed due to industrial promotion policies implemented since late 1982. Until then, the primary sector (agriculture) was the productive base.

Industrial establishments installed after that year, exhibit great diversification and are mainly in two urban centers: the capital and Villa Mercedes.

Tourism is another of the activities promoted by the San Luis government since the return of democracy in 1983. Currently the province has the largest network of highways in the country, which connects most of the resorts with the provincial capital.