Tourist map of the Province of Río Negro, Argentina
Tourist map of the Province of Río Negro, Argentina.
There are two main areas of tourism in the province; the Andes and the Atlantic coast.
There are two main areas of tourism in the province; the Andes and the Atlantic coast.
The Andean Area:
- The most visited area is that of the lake district near San Carlos de Bariloche inside the Nahuel Huapi National Park, and neighbouring Neuquén Province. This includes the Isla Victoria, Camino de los Siete Lagos, Los Arrayanes National Park, and many trekking paths among lakes.
Returns of Southern Right Whales are possibly the biggest of tourism attractions. They swim and rest very close to shore, and the San Matías Gulf is the only place in the world where swimming with this kind is commercially permitted.
Pinot noir vines in the Southern Patagonia region, Argentina
Pinot noir vines in the Southern Patagonia region, Argentina
Region is known for its white varietals Semillon and Sauvignon blanc, and its red varietals Merlot, Pinot noir and Malbec.
Spas and Resorts: