Tourist map of the Province of Córdoba, Argentina

Tourist map of the Province of Córdoba, Argentina

Tourist map of the Province of Córdoba, Argentina

  • Thematic
  • Córdoba
Tourist map of the Province of Córdoba, Argentina.

The province is among the most visited in Argentina (mostly by domestic travelers) because of its hilly landscapes, pleasant weather, 'fun' reputation and cultural offerings. In particular, cities like Carlos Paz, Villa General Belgrano, Cosquín and La Cumbrecita attract a large number of tourists. This supports a large hospitality industry with hotels, restaurants, bars and resorts. Around three million tourists, both foreign and Argentinian, visit Córdoba every year. The province has 500,000 hotel beds, including hostels, tourist farms and other types of accommodation. There are four five-star hotels, of which three are located in Córdoba City (Sheraton Cordoba Hotel, Holiday Inn, Interplaza), and one on the hills at Punilla Valley (El Castillo). Important festivities include the Cosquín National Folk Music Festival, and the Jesús María Folk and Taming Festivals.