Climatic map of the Province of Chaco

Climatic map of the Province of Chaco

Climatic map of the Province of Chaco

  • Thematic
  • Chaco
Climatic map of the Province of Chaco.

The province has a subtropical climate. It is divided in two different climate zones: a more humid one in the east and a drier subtropical climate in the center and west. The eastern parts of the province have a humid subtropical climate (Cfa under the Köppen climate classification) with no dry season. In the west where precipitation is lower, it has a subtropical climate with a dry winter and is classified as a semi-arid climate (BS under the Köppen climate classification) due to potential evapotranspiration exceeding precipitation.

In the most humid (eastern) parts of the province, precipitation falls throughout the year with no dry season. These areas receive around 1,400 millimetres (55 in) of precipitation per year. Precipitation decreases westwards and become more concentrated in the summer months.

Mean annual temperatures range between 21 to 23 °C which decreases from north to south. Summers are hot with temperatures that can reach up to 38 to 41 °C in the eastern parts of the province. The western parts experience more variation in temperatures due continental influences; extreme temperatures in summer are more extreme with temperatures that frequently exceed 40 °C. During winters, incursions of cold, polar air from the south can lead to frosts and temperatures that fall below freezing. Being under an area of high solar radiation during summer, a consequence is that a low pressure system forms over the province during summer.

Humidity in the province is high due to its climate, particularly in the north, the wettest portion of the province. Most of the winds that transport humid air come from the north and east. Winters are the most humid seasons (high humidity) due to this season being characterized by frequent fogs.