Political map of Belgium

Political map of Belgium

Political map of Belgium, divided into provinces.

  • Political
  • Belgium
  • Institut géographique national
Political map of Belgium, divided into provinces. The country is divided into three regions. Two of these regions, the Flemish or Flanders Region, and the Walloon or Walloon Region, are subdivided into five provinces. The third region, the Brussels-Capital Region, is not divided into provinces, as it was originally only a small part of a province.

The division into provinces is fixed by article 5 of the Belgian Constitution. The provinces are subdivided into 43 administrative districts, and further into 589 municipalities.

Province Capital Area Population Density
(1 January 2019)
Antwerp Antwerp 2,876 km2 1,857,986 647/km2
East Flanders Ghent 3,007 km2 1,515,064 504/km2
Flemish Brabant Leuven 2,118 km2 1,146,175 542/km2
Limburg Hasselt 2,427 km2 874,048 361/km2
West Flanders Bruges 3,197 km2 1,195,796 375/km2
Hainaut Mons 3,813 km2 1344241 353/km2
Liège Liège 3,857 km2 1,106,992 288/km2
Luxembourg Arlon 4,459 km2 284,638 64/km2
Namur Namur 3,675 km2 494,325 135/km2
Walloon Brabant Wavre 1,097 km2 403,599 368/km2
Brussels Capital Region Brussels City 162.4 km2 1,208,542 7,442/km2