Map of Flanders

Map of Flanders

Map of Flanders

  • Thematic
  • Flandes

Map of the Flemish Region, is one of the three regions of Belgium—alongside the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region. It occupies the northern part of Belgium with a population of approximately 6,552,000 inhabitants, which represents 60% of the Belgian population.

The territory of the Flemish Region corresponds to the territory of the Dutch-speaking region. The area of the Flemish Region is 13,522 km2, which represents 44.31% of Belgian territory.

The Flemish Region comprises the following provinces: Antwerp, Flemish Brabant, West Flanders, East Flanders and Limburg.

The Region is bordered to the west by the North Sea and by France (from Bray-Dunes to Menin in Hauts-de-France); to the north, by the Netherlands, whose nearest cities are: Breda, Eindhoven and Maastricht; to the south, by the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region which forms an enclave.


Maps of Flandes