Road access map to the city of Santa Fe, Argentina

Road access map to the city of Santa Fe, Argentina

Road access map to the city of Santa Fe, Argentina

  • Road
  • Santa Fe
Road access map to the city of Santa Fe, province of Santa Fe, Argentina.

The city of Santa Fe can be accessed through:
  • National Route RN 168: links this capital with the city of Paraná through the Uranga-Sylvestre Begnis subfluvial tunnel. From the junction with Provincial Route 1 in the town of La Guardia and the subfluvial tunnel, the route is a highway along its entire length.
  • National Route RN 19: it arrives in the city from Córdoba, passing through important cities in the province of Santa Fe. The highway to San Francisco is under construction and design.
  • National Route RN 11 to the north: connects with the northeast of Santa Fe and the Argentine provinces of Chaco and Formosa.
  • National Route RN 11 to the south: connects the city of Santa Fe with the city of Rosario. Its layout is parallel to that of the "Brigadier López" highway.
  • Expressway "Brigadier López": connects the city Santa Fe with the city of Rosario. From this last city and continuing south on National Route No. 9, you will reach the city of Buenos Aires.
  • Provincial Route RP 1: continues towards the northeast of the province until the city of Reconquista, in a route of 325 km.
  • Provincial Route RP 70: connects the city with the cities of Esperanza and Rafaela.
  • Provincial Route RP 9: towards the south, almost parallel with the highway, it connects Santa Fe with Sauce Viejo Airport and other important cities in the region.


Maps of Santa Fe