Road access map to the city of Santa Fe, Argentina
Road access map to the city of Santa Fe, province of Santa Fe, Argentina.
The city of Santa Fe can be accessed through:
The city of Santa Fe can be accessed through:
- National Route RN 168: links this capital with the city of Paraná through the Uranga-Sylvestre Begnis subfluvial tunnel. From the junction with Provincial Route 1 in the town of La Guardia and the subfluvial tunnel, the route is a highway along its entire length. Li>
- National Route RN 19: it arrives in the city from Córdoba, passing through important cities in the province of Santa Fe. The highway to San Francisco is under construction and design. li>
- National Route RN 11 to the north: connects with the northeast of Santa Fe and the Argentine provinces of Chaco and Formosa. li>
- National Route RN 11 to the south: connects the city of Santa Fe with the city of Rosario. Its layout is parallel to that of the "Brigadier López" highway. Li>
- Expressway "Brigadier López": connects the city Santa Fe with the city of Rosario. From this last city and continuing south on National Route No. 9, you will reach the city of Buenos Aires. Li>
- Provincial Route RP 1: continues towards the northeast of the province until the city of Reconquista, in a route of 325 km. li>
- Provincial Route RP 70: connects the city with the cities of Esperanza and Rafaela. li>
- Provincial Route RP 9: towards the south, almost parallel with the highway, it connects Santa Fe with Sauce Viejo Airport and other important cities in the region. li> ul>