Tourist map of the city of Mendoza, Argentina

Tourist map of the city of Mendoza, Argentina

Tourist map of the city of Mendoza, Argentina

  • Thematic
  • Mendoza
Tourist map of the city of Mendoza, Argentina.

The City of Mendoza, International Capital of Wine. Located at the foot of the highest mountains of the Andes, Mendoza is the gateway to the Pacific Ocean. The climate is pleasant, temperate with little rain and very few days of wind, thanks to the protection of the mountain range.

The city can be reached by plane, via Francisco Gabrielli International Airport, or by land, through national routes No. 40 and 7 that connect Mendoza with the entire country from North to South and from East to West and also with Chile.

The city has a dynamic artistic and cultural life: theaters, museums, art galleries and handicraft exhibitions enrich the daily offer. Open and always alive, the pubs, places to relax and dance, theaters, cinemas and casinos, remain open until late at night.

The city is the ideal starting point for excursions to the important tourist attractions of the province, such as the Wine Roads, the mountain, rivers, hot springs and nature reserves.

The City of Mendoza, named on October 30, 1987 as the International Capital of Wine by the OIV and also designated 8th World Wine Capital, is part of a worldwide network with other famous wine cities such as Bordeaux and Florence, among others, a fact that places Mendoza's wines in an unbeatable position in the world, with its flagship variety being "Malbec". In addition, the City was ranked among the 21 wonderful cities of the world in the "New 7 Wonders Cities" contest.


Maps of Mendoza