Road map of the Province of Salta, Argentina.
Road map of the Province of Salta, Argentina, with distance indices between cities.
Given the exceptional location of the province as an international liaison point, the routes that run through its territory are well traveled by vehicles of various nationalities.
The province is linked to the rest of the country by several national routes. Routes 9 and 34 are directed, to the south, towards the large Pampean cities, and to the north, towards Jujuy and Bolivia. The National Route 50, meanwhile, joins the city of Orán with the Bolivian town of Bermejo. To the east, routes 16 and 81 connect Salta with Chaco and Formosa respectively. To the west, route 51 goes to San Antonio de los Cobres, and connects, in Chilean territory, with the CH23 road that goes to the city of Antofagasta, on the Pacific coast.
Given the exceptional location of the province as an international liaison point, the routes that run through its territory are well traveled by vehicles of various nationalities.
The province is linked to the rest of the country by several national routes. Routes 9 and 34 are directed, to the south, towards the large Pampean cities, and to the north, towards Jujuy and Bolivia. The National Route 50, meanwhile, joins the city of Orán with the Bolivian town of Bermejo. To the east, routes 16 and 81 connect Salta with Chaco and Formosa respectively. To the west, route 51 goes to San Antonio de los Cobres, and connects, in Chilean territory, with the CH23 road that goes to the city of Antofagasta, on the Pacific coast.