Land use map of Córdoba, Argentina
Land use map of Córdoba, Argentina.
Summary of land use regulations of year 2006. Map of urban management of the City of Cordoba, Argentina.
The use of the city soil is regulated by the municipality, which determines and destines 26,177 hectares to urban area (40.24%), 12,267 hectares to the industrial dominant area (21.3%), 16,404 hectares to rural area dominant (28.45%) and 5,750 hectares to other uses as military purposes, or institutional spaces (9.98%) of the total area of the city.
Green spaces include different types of spaces, from squares, small squares, up to urban, green linear parks of different scales as the river Suquia, bicycle pathways and highways). The surface determined by the Municipality of Córdoba in character of green Urban adds approximately 1645 hectares.
Summary of land use regulations of year 2006. Map of urban management of the City of Cordoba, Argentina.
The use of the city soil is regulated by the municipality, which determines and destines 26,177 hectares to urban area (40.24%), 12,267 hectares to the industrial dominant area (21.3%), 16,404 hectares to rural area dominant (28.45%) and 5,750 hectares to other uses as military purposes, or institutional spaces (9.98%) of the total area of the city.
Green spaces include different types of spaces, from squares, small squares, up to urban, green linear parks of different scales as the river Suquia, bicycle pathways and highways). The surface determined by the Municipality of Córdoba in character of green Urban adds approximately 1645 hectares.