Climatic map of the Province of Formosa, Argentina
Climatic map of the Province of Formosa, Argentina.
The average annual temperature is 21 °C, and during the summer it can go up to 45 °C.
The tropical weather is characterized with uniform annual rains in the east (1000 mm annual), while in the rest of the country winter is a drier season (80 mm). The humidity variation results in the jungle vegetation on one side, and the Chaqueño forest in the other. The limit with the Salta Province is known as the Impenetrable
The average annual temperature is 21 °C, and during the summer it can go up to 45 °C.
The tropical weather is characterized with uniform annual rains in the east (1000 mm annual), while in the rest of the country winter is a drier season (80 mm). The humidity variation results in the jungle vegetation on one side, and the Chaqueño forest in the other. The limit with the Salta Province is known as the Impenetrable