Physical map of the Province of Santa Cruz, Argentina

Physical map of the Province of Santa Cruz, Argentina

Physical map of the Province of Santa Cruz, Argentina

  • Physical
  • Santa Cruz
  • Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina
Physical map of the Province of Santa Cruz, Argentina.

The province is generally divided into 2 distinct regions: The Andes in the west and the plateaus in the centre and east. In the Andes, there are numerous lakes such as Buenos Aires Lake (2,240 km², 881 km² in Argentina), Cardiel Lake (460 km²), Viedma Lake (1082 km²), Argentino Lake (1560 km²), Pueyrredón Lake, Belgrano Lake and San Martín Lake (1.013 km²). One characteristic of the Andean region is the presence of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field that covers the central part of the Andes.

From the centre to the Atlantic coast in the east, the landscape is dominated by plateaus. There are isolated pockets of hills and depressions within this region. In Gran Bajo de San Julián, the Laguna del Carbón is 105 meters below sea level, and is the lowest point in the Western and Southern Hemispheres. The Atlantic coast of the province, is characterised by cliffs.


Maps of Santa Cruz