Physical map of the Province of San Juan, Argentina
Physical map of the Province of San Juan, Argentina.
The territory of the Province of San Juan covers 89,651 km² administratively; but 80% of the surface is occupied by important mountainous bodies, only 21,000 km² constitute the space available for human occupation; It consists of valleys and sedimentary pockets originated and modeled by dynamic cycles of water activity and tectonic activity respectively. The climatic restrictions typical of a temperate and semi-arid zone and the distribution of the hydrographic network in three basins, reduces the possibilities of installation and consequently, the useful available area is much smaller (approximately 170 000 ha) which is available close to three rivers: the north Jáchal and the south-central San Juan, whose basins have been used historically to organize irrigation systems that feed these areas recognized with the term of oasis.
The territory of the Province of San Juan covers 89,651 km² administratively; but 80% of the surface is occupied by important mountainous bodies, only 21,000 km² constitute the space available for human occupation; It consists of valleys and sedimentary pockets originated and modeled by dynamic cycles of water activity and tectonic activity respectively. The climatic restrictions typical of a temperate and semi-arid zone and the distribution of the hydrographic network in three basins, reduces the possibilities of installation and consequently, the useful available area is much smaller (approximately 170 000 ha) which is available close to three rivers: the north Jáchal and the south-central San Juan, whose basins have been used historically to organize irrigation systems that feed these areas recognized with the term of oasis.