Physical map of the Province of Río Negro, Argentina

Physical map of the Province of Río Negro, Argentina

Physical map of the Province of Río Negro, Argentina

  • Physical
  • Río Negro
  • Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina
Physical map of the Province of Río Negro, Argentina.

The province is located in south-central Argentina, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Andean Mountains. It is bordered to the north by the provinces of Neuquén and La Pampa, to the northeast by the province of Buenos Aires, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean (Argentine sea), to the south by the province of Chubut, and to the west by Chile.

The landscape as the climate is divided into two distinct sectors:
To the west, the Andean region extends over a small part of the territory (about 6000 km²) and is characterized by the presence of the Andean Mountains. Across the Patagonian region, the Cordillera is lower in altitude than further north, but has snow-capped peaks all year round. Among these, stand out the Tronador with its 3,554 m altitude, the highest point in the province. At the foot of the Andes are large lakes of glacial origin such as Lake Nahuel Huapi, Lake Mascardi, Lake Steffen, Lake Gutierrez and many others. There is the famous Nahuel Huapi National Park. It should be added that, as elsewhere along the Argentine-Chilean border, the Andean region of the province of Río Negro has volcanoes, currently inactive, such as the Tronador.

In the center and east, that is to say, in most of the province, extends the extra-Andean region, vast plateau or meseta tabular, with altitudes getting lower and lower at as we get closer to the Atlantic. On this plateau, however, there are depressions but also very elevated areas like the meseta of Somuncurá, about 1,900 m high. It is a basalt plateau with a harsh climate.


Maps of Río Negro