Rota tourist map 1999

Rota tourist map 1999

Rota tourist map 1999

  • Thematic
  • Rota
  • U.S. Naval Forces Europe
Rota tourist map 1999

Important Places
1. Rota Gate (Rota Naval Station)
2. Bus Station
3. Taxi Ranks
4. Beach
5. Tour Africa Travel Agents
6. Tourist Information

7. Castillo de Luna
8. Church of Nuestra Senora de la O

16. Calle a Garcia Sanchez / Calle Charco

Dining Out
9. Bar Español
10. El Campero
11. Ed's Place
12. El Presebre
13. La Parrilla Argentina
14. Shorty's
15. Old Spanish bars


Maps of Rota