Argentina political map.
Satellite image of Patagonia and the mountains of the southern Andes. Many volcanic peaks, snowcapped ridges and...
The color infrared film accurately delineates the intensively productive cultivated farmland (red colors) from the unproductive,...
The meandering sediment-laden stream channels of the lower Paraná River are easily distinguished from the darker,...
Off the east coast of Argentina, the South Atlantic Ocean is blooming with color. This true-color...
The muddy, multibraided channels of the Paraná River are visible as the river flows south past...
Clouds of blue and green color the South Atlantic Ocean in this Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer...
The two large whitish-tan features in this low-oblique photograph are salt flats (salt lakes) approximately 100...
West of the snow-covered Andes Mountains in South America, a dust storm is spreading over western...
This true-color image of Central Argentina features fires, marked in red, and their smoke plumes. To...
Small fires, marked in red, dot the deep green plains of Buenos Aires province in Northern...
This true-color MODIS image from May 7, 2002, shows the Rio de la Plata Estuary in...