Bilbao Districts with its official numeration 2007
Bilbao Districts with its official numeration 2007.
Deusto is district number 1, its neighbourhoods are Arangoiti, Ibarrekolanda, San Ignacio-Elorrieta and San Pedro de Deusto-La Ribera.
Uríbarri is district number 2, its neighbourhoods are Castaños, Matico-Ciudad Jardín, Uríbarri and Zurbaran-Arabella.
Otxarkoaga-Txurdinaga is district number 3, its neighbourhoods are Otxarkoaga and Txurdinaga.
Begoña is district number 4, its neighbourhoods are Begoña, Bolueta and Santuchu.
Ibaiondo is district number 5, its neighbourhoods are Atxuri, Bilbao La Vieja, Casco Viejo, Iturralde, La Peña, Miribilla, San Adrián,
San Francisco, Solokoetxe and Zabala.
Abando is district number 6, its neighbourhoods are Abando and Indauchu.
Recalde is district number 7, its neighbourhoods are Amézola, Iralabarri, Iturrigorri-Peñascal, Recaldeberri-Larrasquitu and Uretamendi.
Basurto-Zorroza is district number 8, its neighbourhoods are Altamira, Basurto, Olabeaga, Masustegui-Monte Caramelo and Zorroza.