Road map of Colombia

Road map of Colombia

Road map of Colombia

  • Road
  • Colombia
  • Instituto Nacional de Vías - Invias
Road Map of Colombia with the following basic conventions:
national road in concession, paved national highway, other route, capital, municipality, site. Includes distance matrix for national roads. Map of national road 2006. Map of the National Road Network of Colombia 2006.

The National Road Network is the road network of Colombia regulated by the Colombian Ministry of Transportation through the National Roads Institute (INVÍAS) and its territorial directions (Decree 1735 of August of 20012) and sometimes delegated to private companies by concession.

The system consists of the Primary Network (Main Highways, run by the nation), Secondary Network (in charge of the departments) and Tertiary Network (composed of tertiary roads or inter-village roads, administered by the municipalities).

The Colombian Highway Network to 2015 is 206,727 km, of which 19,306 km corresponds to the National Primary Network, 45,137 km correspond to the National Secondary Network and 142,284 km correspond to the National Tertiary Network. It also has 5,097 bridges nationwide and 1,266.80 km in expressways, 10 viaducts and 40 tunnels.

According to a report from the Colombian Chamber of Infrastructure, Colombia has 9 km of roads per square kilometer of area.

The National Highway Network is part of the transportation infrastructure commissioned from the Colombian Government and fulfills the basic function of integrating the largest production and consumption zones.