Chocó road map
Chocó road map
The Quibdó-Medellín and Quibdó-Pereira highways are the main roads linking the departmental capital, Quibdó, to the interior of the country. The main forms of displacement of food and people are done through the river and maritime network. The department has 9 smaller airports.
As a jungle region with high rainfall, the department lacks large road infrastructures. The main ones however are the following:
Quibdó - Tutunendo - El 18 - El 12 - El 7 - El Carmen (Mansa) - Bolívar (Antioquia) - Salgar - Medellín - Bogotá.
Quibdó - Yuto - Las Animas - Cértegui - Istmina - Condoto - Opogodó - Nóvita - Valencia (Risaralda) - Pereira - Bogotá.
Bahía Solano - El Valle and soon willbe connected to - Jurubidá - Tribugá.