Physical map of Meta

Physical map of Meta

Physical map of Meta

  • Physical
  • Meta
  • OCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Physical map of Meta

The territory is divided into three physiographic regions: the first is the eastern mountainous part of the Eastern Cordillera, with heights reaching 525 m above sea level and serving as a boundary with the departments of Caquetá, Huila and Cundinamarca, the Piedemonte llanero and Serranía de la Macarena, located the latter almost perpendicular to the Eastern mountain range.

The second region is the planicie llanera, with small elevations that do not surpass 200 m of altitude in the central and eastern zones of the department; This plain is part of the guayanés shield.

The third corresponds to the Amazonian jungle area, but other sources mention up to five physiographic units: the andina, sierra macaranense, piedemontana, amazonense y orinoquense. The Meta physiography generally varies from the páramo lands and slopes of The eastern cordillera to the warm plains of the rivers Ariari and Guaviare.