Physical map of Cundinamarca

Physical map of Cundinamarca

Physical map of Cundinamarca

  • Physical
  • Cundinamarca
  • OCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Physical map of Cundinamarca

The department of Cundinamarca is located in the center of Colombia. It is bordered to the north by the department of Boyacá, to the east and to the southeast by that of Meta, to the west by those of Caldas and Tolima and to the extreme south by that of Huila. In the center of the department is the District Capital of Bogotá, which is not legally part of the department.

The relief is marked by the eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes, which crosses the department from north to south. To the west is the valley of the río Magdalena, which on one part of its course serves as a natural border, while the río Bogotá, one of its tributaries, crosses the department from north-east to south-west.