Physical map of Antioquia

Physical map of Antioquia

Physical map of Antioquia

  • Physical
  • Antioquia
  • OCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Physical map of Antioquia

Antioquia presents a significant geographic diversity as it combines all elements of the Colombian geography: sea, plains, mountains, highlands, moors, rivers, swamps and forests.The department is located in the northwestern part of Colombia, extends from the river Atrato, to the west, to the Magdalena River, to the east, with a strip of coast on the Gulf of Urabá that extends from Punta Yerbazal, on the western side of the Gulf of Urabá (limits with the department of the Chocó), until the location known as El Minuto de Dios, 2.5 kilometers north of Arboletes, at the limits with Córdoba. Its coastal contours measure approximately 220 kilometers, which makes the department the second of the country in length of coast on the Caribbean Sea, after La Guajira. Coastal erosion is occurring in some sectors of the coastline, which is of concern about its future situation due to global climate change and sea level rise.

It is crossed by two branches of the Andes, the Occidental and Central Cordilleras. The Occidental is located between the Atrato River and the Cauca River, with heights reaching 4,050 meters above sea level in two moorlands (farallones de Citará and páramo de Urrao), and the Central between the Cauca River and the Magdalena River, with slightly smaller heights (Moors of Sonsón and Belmira).