Colombia physical map 2009
The Colombian territory presents variety in its relief: central mountainous system, composed by the three Andean mountain ranges, independent mountainous system of the Andes, the interior and coastal plains and the valleys interandinos.
Valleys and plains: The valleys of the Magdalena, Cauca and Atrato - San Juan, stand out for their extension between the different inter-Andean valleys of Colombia. As far as plains stand out, the Pacific Plain, the Amazon Plain, the Caribbean Plain and the Eastern Plains.
Peripheral mountain system: The peripheral mountain system does not form part of the Andean mountain ranges, the mountain range of the Macarena to the East forms part of this system; And the mounts of Maria, the Piojó or Pajuancho mountain range, the Darién mountain range, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Guajira mountains to the west of the Andean Cordilleras.
Central mountainous system: It is composed of the Western Cordillera, the Cordillera Central and the Eastern Cordillera. The Colombian Andes begin in the Nudo de los Pastos. There are the volcanoes Galeras, Cumbal and Azufral. The Nudo de los Pastos separate the upland plains of Túquerres and Ipiales.