Teruel tourist map

Teruel tourist map

Teruel tourist map

  • Thematic
  • Teruel
Teruel tourist map

Teruel preserves some monuments that are part of the World Heritage Site «Arquitectura mudéjar de Aragón»: the tower, roof and dome of the Cathedral of Santa María de Mediavilla, the tower and church of San Pedro, the tower of the church of San Martin and the tower of the church of the Savior.

There are also several modernist buildings, with examples of historicist styles, such as the Neomudéjar. The Casa de Tejidos El Torico, in the Plaza Carlos Castel, or the Escalinata, are, respectively, examples of the mentioned styles. In addition, the city retains some Gothic buildings that have their best exponent in the church of San Francisco. Also it is possible to emphasize of this time its walls. From century XVI, it emphasizes the greater aqueduct built in Spain in the Renaissance, known like Los Arcos. In addition to this period stands the palace of the Community of Villages of Teruel, now Provincial Museum, within the so-called Aragonese (Renaissance) style.

Another place of interest is the source of the Torico and its square, meeting point, neuralgic center and symbol of the city. On the road to Santa Barbara you can see the best view of the city and its surroundings from the Mirador de Los Mansuetos, with its interpretation table.