Map of the bay and port of Barcelona 1885

Map of the bay and port of Barcelona 1885

Map of the bay and port of Barcelona 1885

  • Historical
  • Barcelona
  • Bregante and Martínez, S.; Spain Hydrographic Commission; Spain Directorate of Hydrography; Pardo de Figueroa, Rafael; Riudavets and Tudury, José; Rodríguez, Manuel (fl. 1859-1888)
Map of the bay and port of Barcelona : Mediterranean Sea: East coast of Spain 1885

Montjuïc Hill according to data provided by the Capitanía General de Cataluña, the city and its extension according to data provided by Ayntamiento of Barcelona with some additions. Probes of the inner harbor, the details of all the works of the port and outer port by the Port Authorities. (E) Scale also expressed in feet and miles (E) Oriented with a rose with the North to the Northeast of the map. - Relief by shading. - Probes