Border between Spain and Portugal
Border between Spain and Portugal.
The Portugal-Spain border, known by the epithet of "la Raya" in the Spanish language and "A Raia" in the Portuguese language (the stripe), is the line that divides the territories of Portugal and Spain. It is the oldest frontier in Europe, with some limits established since the time of the Condado Portucalense and the Kingdom of León.
More broadly, it is also the geographic space on both sides of the political frontier where people share historical, linguistic, cultural and economic elements.
The Portugal-Spain border, known by the epithet of "la Raya" in the Spanish language and "A Raia" in the Portuguese language (the stripe), is the line that divides the territories of Portugal and Spain. It is the oldest frontier in Europe, with some limits established since the time of the Condado Portucalense and the Kingdom of León.
More broadly, it is also the geographic space on both sides of the political frontier where people share historical, linguistic, cultural and economic elements.
Districts on the Portuguese side of the border from North to South:
- Viana do Castelo
- Braga
- Vila Real
- Bragança
- Guarda
- Castelo Branco
- Portalegre
- Évora
- Beja
- Faro
Provinces on the Spanish side of the border from North to South:
- Province of Pontevedra
- Province of Ourense
- Province of Zamora
- Province of Salamanca
- Province of Cáceres
- Province of Badajoz
- Province of Huelva