World biomes map
The most important biomes in the world:
The Temperate Forest: they are typical of all the European continent, the oriental region of Asia (especially, China and Japan), North America and in temperate and cold-temperate areas of South America.
The Tropical Rainforest: located in the intertropical zone. There are three differentiated classes according to their rainfall: the dry forest, the monsoon forest and the humid forest.
The Desert: Great part of the deserts of the world are located in zones characterized by the constant high pressures, condition that does not favor raining. Among the deserts of the planet are: the Sahara and the Kalahari, in Africa and the deserts of Australia.
The Prairie: The prairies cover 40% of the earth's surface and host almost 1,000 million people, half of whom live in sensitive drylands.
The Tundra: The tundras comprise the northern regions of Alaska, Canada and Russia. In order for a region to be considered tundra, it must meet two important requirements. The most important, to have the ground frozen permanently. And, the second, there must be very few trees.
The Taiga: It is the forest that develops south of the tundra. There are abundant conifers (spruce, fir, larch and pine) these are trees that support the living conditions -relatively cold and extreme- of those latitudes and altitudes, better than deciduous trees. (Trees whose leaves fall in winter.: It is the forest that develops south of the tundra. There are abundant conifers (spruce, fir, larch and pine) these are trees that support the living conditions -relatively cold and extreme- of those latitudes and altitudes, better than deciduous trees. (Trees whose leaves fall in winter.
The Chaparral: Biome composed of dense evergreen thorny weeds, which is located on coastlines where there are cold currents. It is characterized by having rainy, moderately cold winters and long, dry and warm summers.
The Savanna: The savannas are tropical meadows with a small amount of scattered trees or shrubs. They develop in regions of high temperature, which have a marked difference between the dry and wet seasons. In the wet season the growth of the plants is rapid, but they dry up and fall in quality during the dry season. The tropical savannas cover extensive areas in South America, Africa, India, Southeast Asia and Northern Australia.
The Steppe: The steppe is a biome that includes a flat and extensive territory, herbaceous vegetation, typical of extreme climates and scarce rainfall. It is also associated with a cold desert to make a difference with the torrid deserts. These regions are far from the sea, with continental arid climate, a large temperature range between summer and winter and rainfall that does not reach 500 mm per year. Dominated by low bushes and herbs.