South America map in spanish

South America map in spanish

South America map in spanish

  • Political
  • South America
  • Giovanni Fattori
South America map in spanish

South America is crossed by the equatorial line at its northern end, has a land surface of 18,005,000 km, with a population of approximately 416,000,000 inhabitants. Brazil is the largest country on the continent concentrating approximately half the population and economic production of the region.

It is made up of a group of twelve countries:

  1. Argentina(Buenos Aires)
  2. Bolivia(Sucre)
  3. Brazil(Brasilia)
  4. Chile(Santiago de Chile)
  5. Colombia(Bogotá)
  6. Ecuador(Quito)
  7. Guyana(Georgetown)
  8. Paraguay(Asunción)
  9. Peru(Lima)
  10. Suriname(Paramaribo)
  11. Uruguay(Montevideo)
  12. Venezuela(Caracas)

South America encompasses a wide variety of biogeographical regions, the largest expanse of rainforests and rainforests in the world, with two-thirds of the area lying between the tropics. It reaches its maximum width near the equator, where the Amazon Rainforest or Amazonia reigns in the territories of Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana.